Tuesday, January 1, 2008


I feel so terrible! Yesterday at work was probably the worst day that I have ever worked, ever. If it was not for the horrible headache that has plagued me for the past two weeks then I would probably have felt exponentially better, but of course, in the life that we live in there is never hardly ever anything to make a situation exponentially better.

I was terrible to the customers, I went as slow as ever, and to top the cake, I was the root cause of several customers enjoying terrible dinners. If it were not for my dissenting attitude towards several of the workers and the disgust towards a few of the customers’ rampant disorganized manners of ordering food, then I would have probably not been on the verge of nervous collapse. At one point, I was about ready to just faint and fall out. I almost even told a customer to "Eat Death", but I managed to at least hold my tongue. Luckily, after the 6:30 rush period, everything seemed to calm down.

Mainly, I spent the rest of the night avoiding any major communication with the workers until my headache went away. Surprisingly, once it did, I did feel exponentially better.

Regardless, as I look back on this event, I must say that I do feel bad for my horrible actions yesterday, and wish to seek forgiveness for my tragic and unfortunate event.

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