Monday, December 31, 2007

Im Tired!

Literally and figuratively, I am tired of working. Working at Wendy's, and simply working in general, requires too much work. So much dedication and diligence is required, that it is truly exhausting. I dislike it with passion. Looking beyond my disdain of working, and how much work it takes to hate work, I have to admit that I have been working for the past several days.

I think that the last time I came to this was on Wednesday. Luckily, I got Thursday off. Working on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday has been extreme. On both days, Wendy's has been understaffed. For example, usually there is someone to mop the floors and take out trash, but now we have had to give people double tasks and give them the chance to operate two stations. I have had to simultaneously take orders up front as well as make orders for the drive-thru. It gets so hard to handle at times that you just get tired from running in circles. On yesterday, we were so short staffed that they had to close the store for an hour until more people could be called in. I do not even know why we are continuously short staffed but it looks like it may even continue into next week. Amazingly, they are bringing in new hires.

I am just glad that, although I have to work each night until Thursday, that I will be leaving Wendy's in about 13 days. I do not really want to leave, but I am beginning to get tired. I doubt if I will come back and work in the summer or even next winter but we will see. If the same people still work there, then I may stay, if not then I will not return.

As long as I keep an attitude of looking forward in that I am being paid for this work at Wendy's, then I should still be able to keep the faith and stay positive. Like I tell people there, do not work yourself too hard. This is the only thought that keeps me going.


Now playing: The Cheetah Girls - So Bring It On
via FoxyTunes

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