Monday, December 24, 2007

All Work and No Play

Working over the winter break is perhaps a blessing and a curse. In a sense, it is good that I can use the time that I would spend at home doing nothing for earning money and being productive. It is terrible in the sense that I have to spend the time by serving customers and being really tired all the time to earn this money. As I think that I have said, I chose to come back to Wendy’s to work with my old coworkers, and to gain money to fund expenditures throughout the upcoming semester.

In review, for this week I was given Wednesday and Thursday off. The trade-off for that was that I would work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. To work Sunday, is usually a huge privilege as it the east busiest day of the week. However, being that this is a holiday weekend, I failed to realize that it was going to be more busy than normal. Friday and Saturday were both as busy as ever, and Sunday unfortunately proved to be as busy as those two days combined. Apart from the fact that on Friday and Saturday that I did have a runner for a short time, I mostly spent the time on Sunday taking and making all of my orders. It was aggravating that I had to do it alone, and this probably contributed to my headache. As the time on Sunday went by, I went exponentially slower and slower.

Working at Wendy’s allows you to see how things go on when there are less people than needed. If we had one more person working then things could have proceeded slowly, though as that proves, it was Sunday and it is hard to decide if there are going to be many customers choosing to dine in. Moreover, even with that, the other person would have gone to work in the drive-thru, so I would have once again had no help. In order for me to proceed faster, I would have needed about three more people working (one for the drive-thru, another for fries, and then a front sandwich maker). However, alas, life does not work in planned out proportions that support efficiency.

I hope that today (Christmas Eve), proves to be less busy. Who knows what today may hold.

Now playing: Fort Minor - Believe Me
via FoxyTunes

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