Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Classes

This semester has turned out to be quite difficult thus far. After signing up for only eleven credits some days I do wonder if I could have handled even more. However, after dedicated just about every hour this past weekend on Introduction to Bioinformatics, I must say that choosing eleven credits in the classes that I have chosen seems to have been an excellent decision. This semester I have signed up to take Introduction to Bioinformatics, Introduction to Chinese 102, Chemistry Lab 102, and Organic Chemistry I. Ultimately three of these classes can individually ruin a semester being that they all require so much time commitment.

Four classes at 11 credits are extremely unfair to me for it has caused me to receive less in terms of funds. I must take 12 credits a semester to receive all my funds but because taking more than what I am in now can ruin my GPA, I might as well not take the risk.

I am most excited for Bioinformatics, as it is what my major is. I am hoping that this class will teach me all that I need to know about Bioinformatics and see if that is what I really want to do as my career in the future. I love the computer programming part of the class. I am thankful that I have plenty of time for being able to learn all that I can with the programming. In the future semester, I will be taking the eventual computer programming classes and hopefully experience the artificial intelligence class that seems so exciting. I hope that I can before I graduate.

The only thing that worries me with this semester is that I do not know how we are going to end up paying for college for next year and for this semester. It will also be a bit more challenging to find where I am going to live for next semester.

Now playing: Hannah Montana - Life's What You Make It
via FoxyTunes

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