Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sunday Confessions: Sunday 4 of 52 (2008)

Good news. Thanks to a decreased chance to go and meet people as well as centering time and focusing it on schoolwork, I seem to have been able to succeed in my goal of being able to decrease the amount of times that I tell people tall tales. This is exciting indeed in that it revealed to me that it is possible. I now must begin to focus on another part of life and attempt to make sure I do not slip away in that endeavor.

My new goal is to also decrease my spending to only about ten dollars a week. There are so many things that I would love to purchase however, there really is not a way that I could bring much money back in. I can only hang and hold on to that which I have and save it and keep for good use. It will be challenging thanks to the people that I talk to, but I am quite sure that I can manage it.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Classes

This semester has turned out to be quite difficult thus far. After signing up for only eleven credits some days I do wonder if I could have handled even more. However, after dedicated just about every hour this past weekend on Introduction to Bioinformatics, I must say that choosing eleven credits in the classes that I have chosen seems to have been an excellent decision. This semester I have signed up to take Introduction to Bioinformatics, Introduction to Chinese 102, Chemistry Lab 102, and Organic Chemistry I. Ultimately three of these classes can individually ruin a semester being that they all require so much time commitment.

Four classes at 11 credits are extremely unfair to me for it has caused me to receive less in terms of funds. I must take 12 credits a semester to receive all my funds but because taking more than what I am in now can ruin my GPA, I might as well not take the risk.

I am most excited for Bioinformatics, as it is what my major is. I am hoping that this class will teach me all that I need to know about Bioinformatics and see if that is what I really want to do as my career in the future. I love the computer programming part of the class. I am thankful that I have plenty of time for being able to learn all that I can with the programming. In the future semester, I will be taking the eventual computer programming classes and hopefully experience the artificial intelligence class that seems so exciting. I hope that I can before I graduate.

The only thing that worries me with this semester is that I do not know how we are going to end up paying for college for next year and for this semester. It will also be a bit more challenging to find where I am going to live for next semester.

Now playing: Hannah Montana - Life's What You Make It
via FoxyTunes

Monday, January 21, 2008

Sunday Confessions: Sunday 3 of 52 (2008)

This week, we further carried out the previous plan of decreasing the rampant and illustrious tales that I have been telling. Unfortunately, I was able to stop with the creating of these tales but I had to live out the rest of these to completion. It seems that it is easy to continue to create these tales but living them out until the end is quite difficult. It is mainly for the fact that I have to avoid seeing these people. Regardless, I think that I will have to stop with the charades. The difficulty of living a normal life and avoiding people continues to contrast when you have to continue to go through a central area can be quite difficult. Regardless, that is the new aim for the week; to prevent the creation of new tales.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Issue: Online Work

I probably would not have chose to even write this had the event not happened to me. In my Bioinformatics class all of our work is done via computer . Without the use of the computer there is no way to analyze and gather information from the genomes. As I am the type of person that loves to take advantage of many situations, I chose this weekend to hopefully gain speed in this class and perform well. Unfortunately for me, the site seems to be having quite a few problems. The main issue is that "The server is taking too long to respond." This is unfortunate for me because I am unable to even load it to do the work and review.

Perhaps the only thing wrong in this new age of technology is that when there are technology issues there are only a few people in the right places who can resolve the issue. If there truly is a problem, the only person who can resolve it is my professor in my class. I can not even begin to think of it was a serious issue in which even he could not fix. Unfortunately, I doubt this will happen, but this has caused quite a hassle for me. I would really love to do my work right now.

Now playing: The Cheetah Girls - Fuego
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sunday: A Day of Confession (2nd)

Once again another confession to make. After realizing that I do have a problem with telling these extravagant tales and mistruths, I must admit that this week I have continued to dawdle in this situation. Nothing serious ensued, but it just showed how difficult it is to break a habit. I will not go into details, but I must say that it has helped though I hate resolving situations in this manner.

I will continue to plow on ahead and attempt to continue to resolve this issue.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Nothing all that phenomenal has been happening at work lately. Most days have been slow or have seen their usual peak periods but other than that there is nothing of note to tell you about. About yesterday, I just realized that I have two more days left to work there. Friday is my last day and I am going to miss it all. Actually, I won’t miss the weird and rude customers, but rather the same night shift workers that I have come to be friends with. I have so much fun working there. It is interesting.

I also realized why companies probably cannot pay fast food people much higher. We all eat way too much of the product (Food COST!!!!). This really doesn’t matter when you realize that fries must be trashed every seven minutes, nuggets get trashed every hour, and other product gets trashed on the hour. I have had my share of fries; daily I get multiple kids packs of fries and then tons of crackers. Oh I have to mention the salads. Each night salads that were not sold have to be trashed again. So once again more food is trashed. I wonder just how much money Wendy's International is losing when it has these extremely strange rules with throwing food away.

In other news, I am still dwelling in the land of indecision. I am debating on whether or not staying in my Math Class. With the addition of two other classes that I must take that are more difficult, I am afraid of failure. Who knows? I have until the end of next week to decide.

I am still on track to get a Playstation 3 in the coming weeks, if not days. Probably right after the release of Super Smash Bros Brawl on February 10th, I will go out and buy the PS3 along with a game of choice (I am leaning towards Enchanted Arms or I might consider Heavenly Sword, though bought seem quite difficult). I do not know which exactly.

The future is a bit scary as well. Right now I do not know where I am going to be staying for the 2008-2009 school year. I have to enter the VCU Lottery again or have to go and get an apartment (which I do not really desire). I hope get somewhere on VCU this year.

Now playing: Hannah Montana - I Got Nerve
via FoxyTunes

Monday, January 7, 2008

Good Life

One of the reasons why we do a confession in these notes/posts is that it allows us to start a week a fresh. Starting the week fresh is of utmost importance in order to live one's life to the fullest. Why be bogged down about last week's mistakes and misfortunes when the future week can be one of bliss and fun?

Regardless, I went to work on Sunday night and earned the key hours (actual one more hour than I needed). Today we get to start the final week at Wendy's, in which we will attempt to get about 30 hours by Friday. I hope that this will be the case. If it is, then we will be able to afford ourselves a Playstation 3 in March (at the release of Hot Shots Golf 5 and seize Folklore at the same time). Ultimately, this is the plan and I will try to stick to it.

Other than that, more work tonight.

Now playing: The Cheetah Girls - Fuego
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sunday: A Day of Confession

Sunday always reveals to me what it is that I need to improve in my life. After attending church service today, I just realized that of all the things in the world, I have perhaps not been in line with one of the original commandments. I will not go into much detail but it is clearly which one of them, and it is quite easy and common, it is. I have fallen short of being a person who only tells the truth.

I have known for quite some time that I suffer from a condition in which I create these amazing myriad webs of half truths, half lies, mistruths, tall tales, fables, and stories. It is the main aspect in life that has kept me running full speed ahead. I did not realize how much work it took to maintain this web until recently when events finally began to calm down and I had a chance to reflect over the semester.

Whenever someone desires for me to do something that requires some sacrifice, such as time, or will require some detail or small convenience, such as walking or attending an event, I sit and think up whatever story comes into mind. The excuse usually always works because it dwells on the fact that to deny me my right of doing this, would make that person look like they were the bad guy. For example, one of the most common ones used this semester is that Sunday is not a good day for me to do anything because Sunday is when I do all of my homework and go to several study groups. The truth is, is that Sunday is the day that I like to rest and relax and I feel lazy and so because of my laziness I decide not to go. Oftentimes, the excuse that deals with studying always works, because the people at college believe that you are there for an education and not organizations as the focus of college attendance.

I am going to spend perhaps the rest of my life on working with this. If I was to tell the flat out truth that I did not feel like doing whatever, then it makes me look kind of bad or either not willing to stay dedicated to the task of visiting people's houses and what not. If I can work on this, then I do believe that my personal integrity will reach new heights and people can begin to trust me again; I am truly diligent and do whatever it is when the need arises, I just suffer from making time for it in my busy schedule of watching cartoons and TV shows.

To sum this up, I will work on trying to avoid the usage of tall tales and half-truths in an effort to build trust back up and diligence. I will also work on avoiding the use of these stories to conceal information, confuse, misguide, and manipulate others. If I find that this will become too difficult, I will ultimately cut all lines of communication with the person.

Now playing: Earshot - Wait
via FoxyTunes

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Nothing New: Really!

Work has gone well, once again I collected less than last Monday's totals, which was quite amazing, considering that I only colelcted 230$ on the drawer, with last Monday being at a whopping $377 which is less than Friday's $537, ultimately this pales in comparison to what the day shift collects. lol.

My plan that has been shared is starting to be carried out. The only problem currently is that I have to figure out someway to kindly get a few people out of my life or at least hold them at bay. I think that I will continue to engage in this myriad of tales that I have them in, well at least for the time being. It should work out quite well in the end. Definitely, as long as I can avoid talking on the phone and engaging in person-person meet-ups. My philosophy of keeping people at bay should work without a hitch, I hope.

Only a week remains until I can leave the dismal abyss of Wendy's and return to the swamps of VCU. I can not wait to see certain individuals. It should be fun.

Anyway, I have my Wii to keep me company at home. I saw National Treasure today, I need to see the Book of Secrets.

Now playing: Fumie Kumatani - HIGH AND BROKEN
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


I feel so terrible! Yesterday at work was probably the worst day that I have ever worked, ever. If it was not for the horrible headache that has plagued me for the past two weeks then I would probably have felt exponentially better, but of course, in the life that we live in there is never hardly ever anything to make a situation exponentially better.

I was terrible to the customers, I went as slow as ever, and to top the cake, I was the root cause of several customers enjoying terrible dinners. If it were not for my dissenting attitude towards several of the workers and the disgust towards a few of the customers’ rampant disorganized manners of ordering food, then I would have probably not been on the verge of nervous collapse. At one point, I was about ready to just faint and fall out. I almost even told a customer to "Eat Death", but I managed to at least hold my tongue. Luckily, after the 6:30 rush period, everything seemed to calm down.

Mainly, I spent the rest of the night avoiding any major communication with the workers until my headache went away. Surprisingly, once it did, I did feel exponentially better.

Regardless, as I look back on this event, I must say that I do feel bad for my horrible actions yesterday, and wish to seek forgiveness for my tragic and unfortunate event.