Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sunday Confession: Sunday April 6 (14 of 52)

People continue to change and the times continue to change. The silly games that people play are getting old. Everything is becoming taxing, people are getting older but they are not changing for the better. People are in college now and still thrive in the high school mentality. Apparently we are still in an age in which we have hierarchical setups of friends and try to please friends by comparing them to others based on how much they take one out and pay for their food.

It is my claim that this needs to stop and people need to be reexamined. I think the time has passed beyond that which we can continue to keep poshing each other up and examining everyone under the looking glass in an attempt to compare them to each other. This is wrong and downright dirty. Everyone is not the same, in fact, everyone is different. What someone does for you does not need to be done to you by another person. In fact, be glad that there are people willing to talk and at least care and treat you to things just because you are their friend and partner in crime.

It is disgusting to see that people only go to others to seek advice. Even more is it that when they give advice or answer your question, you program the answer as wrong and they have to spend all their precious time to find evidence to support their answer that you shot down in the beginning. It does not make me proud to have to find evidence to support an answer and prove your never accepting the initial as answer as truth self wrong. In fact, it disenchants me that I have to waste my time to do it. If that was the case then next time find the answer yourself.

Ultimately, the times have changed and it is time to move on. People can not remain in their high school and immature mindset moving into their young adult hood years and time in which they will begin to seek to establish themselves with a successful career and possibly a family. Gone are the times when the jokes are cast and everything is laughed at. Gone are the times when you seek friends based on aesthetic things and not on that which they will help you the most with.

Now playing: The Cheetah Girls - Fuego
via FoxyTunes

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