Saturday, November 24, 2007

Its Been Awhile

Whoa it has been such a long time since I even wrote anything here. Rather than going through and detailing the entire semester, I guess I will start beack in my old fashion. The end of the semester is near. It is time for the outline view.

  • Started back with researching with Dr.Stewart in the Lab again
  • Am trying to maintain all A's in my four classes (Anthropology, Chemistry 102, Chinese 101, and Statistics 210)
  • Still hanging out with the same 4 friends, plus 1 more.
  • Traded in my DS Lite, bought a PSP 2000,
  • Bought a new hard drive and a new battery for the computer
  • Help at the elementary school with science labs for physics
  • Cinemas in the commons is dreadful
  • Still an Ambassador

I think that that is just about it. Apart from doing a few other trivial things, that is generally how my semester has been. I hope to continue to update this from time and time again. I cant believe I even remember the login. lol.

Oh yeah my first long term goal is to get a PS3 by Thursday May 1st, 20008. This will take extreme dedication and devotion but if there is a way then it can be done. I think that I will have to be quite diligent with my saving and spending. By only limiting myself to spending 20$ a week at most on items that are entertainment, halting my video game purchasing, as well as putting about 50 dollars aside each paycheck then I know that this can be accomplished.

Now playing: Jill Scott - Golden
via FoxyTunes

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