Sunday, September 9, 2007


Lets see how has life been going for me so far. The last time I posted you may recall that I was making last minute preparations for school, which is ultimately true. By now I have completely moved in and have just finished just about the third week of being here and the second full week of school.

I have had to make a large alteration to my schedule because I couldnt handle the horrible vicissitudes of Calculus, or rather I am more afraid of it being a hassle this semester and causing my GPA to lower. Regardless I dropped that class and am now from 18.5 credits to 14.5 credits (or 13 credits of classes except in October). Chinese is ultimately my favorite class thus far. It is really interesting, currently I know about 13 Chinese Characters and about 10 words. I practice my Chinese intensely daily because I love to do the character writing.

My other classes are coming along smoothly. Chemistry was at a rough start though, with me getting a 50% on the first quiz, but that was because I didnt start studying until the night before. This time I am going to study at least two days in advance for it. I am also going to of course look into reading my Anthropology book daily. With the wee bit of credits that I do have I have so much free time that it is hard to stay in a mode of studying. Regardless, it is possible and I am going to do it. The results of being dedicated to work are worth the loss of fun time and enjoyment.

lso I have attempted to apply for a few jobs in order to fund my spending expenditures and to save up for a new computer. This is quite impossible so far as the Kroger's and Lowes that I applied to seem to have no spots open. I am a bit glad though because I can focus more time on studying.

There have been a few problems that have come up over this week, I wont go into detail but they revolve around me having to now buy a new Birth Certificate, get a new Social Security Card, pay about 2K for college, Save up for a New computer, and setup getting paid for two jobs with VCU once the Birth Certificate comes. All of which is a very very big hassel to me and my focus.

Ah beyond that everything is going quite well. I have spent time with a few of the guys. They are quite fun the five of them, we saw a few movies and ate out at a few restaurants and played monopoly. Later Days.

Now playing: Motoi Sakuraba - The struggle to survive
via FoxyTunes

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