Thursday, August 16, 2007

Last Minute Preparations

Today marks the last day of relaxation that I get before it is time to matriculate to college. That is actually the wrong usage of the word because I am not going from high school to college this time, but rather from college level to college level, or more plainly my sophomore year. I seem to make things more complicated than they really are. How funny!

The day was mainly spent texting on my new cell phone that I acquired the day before. Because someone had ran into the pole that supported the power line for the street, the power was out for a good five hours or so. I was horrified because with what limited cool air we had in the house (the air conditioner has been broken since last week, I just found out that it took the company about a week to find the part and get it shipped from Florida, it should come in tomorrow). The fans and the air conditioner that sits in the window is our only source of cool air. Because of the power outage they went out. All of my stuff in the room was rendered useless after a while because the batteries all went dead as they weren't able to recharge. The only thing I could do was read the Supernaturalist (written by Eoin Coifer) and text message my friend Shannon. This was quite a good time though but it became hot. My step mom came home and we left for sometime to go to my grandma's house. She was luckily in the area that had power (she lives only a few blocks away) so we were able to cool down there. Needless to say the day was wasted because of the power outage.

Previously, I was able to go out and finally get my own cell phone package of my own. The Phone that I got was the Nokia 6133 which is quite amazing thus far. I love it for all of its cool and nifty features, it has a great LCD screen, touch pad, interface, camera, and the like. The bill costs me about $67 a month for all of the features (300 minutes, unlimited nights and weekends (nights start at 9), unlimited messages, My Faves (5 people in any network free). I was kicked off of my parents plan because I couldn't stay within the 100 minute limit that they had given me. Regardless, having the phone will definitely improve my communication skills with people that I talk to and such, especially since AIM is on it.

Well I am preparing for VCU steadfastly. My chemistry professor sent out one of those introduction emails to the class letting us know that class for Thursday morning was canceled (recitation session), so I will only go to four classes on Thursday of next week. Saturday I do think that I have to be at Cinemas to show two movies, in fact Saturday and Sunday. It kind of crept upon me like a thief in the night, so I was unprepared once I found that out today. Regardless I should be moved in on time in order to start the movies promptly at 7:30 if the need arises on Sunday.

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