Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Few Days Later

So as all but one person knows, I ended up going home Tuesday night for my uncle's funeral. I have only know him for 7 years but it was quite drastic to receive the call from my parents that he had passed away of cancer and its hideous complications. The funeral was on yesterday. I thought that I would not shed a tear because I didnt know him all that well but I found myself caught up in the moment when they finally began to wheel the body out of the church and as the funeral home played the final card "The Last Look" I like to call it, I found myself only able to glance at his soulless body one more time before I had to rush outside and take a few minutes to possibly relive and remember every moment I had with him or at least remember him. Ultimately this makes perhaps the 4th funeral of someone family related that I have had to attend in my oh so short lifetime (1st was my Great Grandfather, 2nd was my Mother, 3rd was an extremely close extended family member, 4th, was Uncle). It leaves me wondering that I should really spend more time with people for we never know when they could go away.


Now playing: Bill Withers - Lovely Day
via FoxyTunes